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Daily Routine, What Is It For?

Hello, everyone. Ok, yesterday #30August2019, I had already shared my morning activity in my previous Instagram story. There are some points that I used to do before I get ready to office. And surprisingly, I can improve my morning activity, I add up to run and workout anymore, that I never do again, cause I took a break within these past few months. I’m a little bit excited because its like a small achievement to me. 

We should be feeling grateful of that because it means that we are progressed in our day. I hope that it can be done regularly at least in 1 time a week, or two times a week cause it would be better. I don’t know whether I can realize it or not, but there's nothing wrong with plan, right? So, in this moment I would like to share you about daily routine. Why? What is it for? What is the purpose? You just do everything that you wanna do everyday. You just go with the flow. Why should we plan or make a daily routine?

Ok, this is one of the most important things in life. You start your day for everyday, for every morning, you wake up, you open your eyes, everyday we hustle, work hard, and do our best to get closer to our dreams, and at the end of the day you’re gonna sleep, you close your eyes, and make a hope for tomorrow. How do you know that you are on the right path? How do you know that you’re not wasting your time? How your life will be, what it will be like, it depends on your daily routine. Daily routine will determine your day in the future, will determine your habit. So I think, we should make a plan for daily routine and make it happen. No matter what you wanna achieve in your life. Your actions must back up your words, if not then it’s nothing.

For instance, as I am still being single, still haven’t married yet, so I have to stay independent in financially, spiritually, mentally, and I always desire myself to work hard, to be progressed. Enjoy my "single"-day, learn and plan for my "couple"-day which is one of my goals. All I have to do now, is look at my actions. What does it take? Are you doing something that can make you stay independent? Are you doing something that can make your goals happen, make it real? I’m questioning my habits. It’s not only about what we want, but it’s what we do. Realize that we can only focus on one thing at a time, it’s okay, we can’t do everything, all of those things today. We just can spare our time to do many activities. However, what we do today will impact to our future.

Then look at your day. Are you doing something useful today? All those little useful things can add up to your goals. Now I try to add new things to my daily habits. Daily routine will help you achieve your goals.

So, for all of those things, what is the key success to implement your daily routine? It is discipline. I know it’s hard, but we can. I also must be honest that we haven’t always lived this way. I know there will be something happen to distract or ruin your plan, your daily activity, your daily routine, it’s okay, that’s life, everything can be happened out of our control, but as long as you have an intention, don’t forget to make it be on track anymore. That’s the point. 

I will share you about my daily routine as a student and currently as a worker, but later. See you on my next story.

Follow my Instagram to see my daily activities: @nisapusspita
Thank you and Cheers :)


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